Monday, July 11, 2011

Mixchief Jello

I was wandering the Walmart grocery area to price what it costs for us to make our own marshmallows. There are so many varieties of marshmallows that I want to do lots of experiments. For us, homemade marshmallows are about ingredient control over cost but I wondered if it was really one of those things I could promote as being economical as well. If I had to guess: it costs about $3.25 to make a batch of homemade marshmallows which is about 1 1/2 pounds of marshmallows (equivilent to 3 bags of marshmallows at $1.25 each) so it's slightly less.
But that's not what I wanted to share with you. I was looking at the unflavored gelatin (and really disappointed that all the stores in my area only carry 4 packs of unflavored gelatin instead of my favorite 32 pack) when I found a new Jello product called Mixchief.
The first box was a color-changing instant pudding, the next a juice Jello, followed by a soda Jello and finally a color changing Jello. All 4 varieties sold for $.88. Not a bad price (I guess) but I don't buy Jello because of the artificial flavors and colors but I was a little interested in the juice and soda varietys - well more curious. I was furious to discover that what those two $.88 boxes housed was a single packet of unflavored gelation (you can buy 4 for $1.25 in the Knox brand).
I want to play with this idea but meanwhile, I'm going to share the recipe with you.

1 packet unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup boiling water (or boiling soda/juice for more flavor)
1 1/2 cup chilled juice or soda

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add chilled juice/soda. Refrigerate for 4 hours or until set.

Be careful adding fruit, some fruits will prevent a good set-up.

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